Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Better Hide Dead-Eye's Guns

Or don't show this story to "Dead Eye" Dick Cheney. The Washington Post reports that Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki has said that Iranian involvement in the insurgency in Iraq "has ceased" and that relations with Iran and Syria have improved. This flies in the face of the Assministration's frequent claims that Iran is providing major arms and logistical support to the Shiite insurgents, and therefore must be met with force. Dead Eye's office is the main proponent for war with Iran, and has an active neocon media cheering section (Wee Willie Kristol's Weekly Standard, the National Review, Faux News, etc.) promoting the "Iran is involved" story line.

How long before Maliki gets a call from Dead Eye's office, telling him to revise his comments? Or maybe they'll have Blackwater Security deliver the message for them.