Monday, January 7, 2008
Get A Grip, Lou
Just caught the delusional Lou "Meskin Menace" Dobbs on CNN's "Situation Room." Wolf "Man" Blitzer opened by asking Dobbs if he had ruled out running for President. (Let's wait a moment until the laughter subsides).
The self-important talking head responded that, while he never says "never", it's not looking like something he wants to do. Doesn't fit his temperament. Of course not. To run for office would expose this obnoxious bloviator to scrutiny that his colleagues and superiors at CNN have never exposed him to. Can you imagine how quickly this blow-dried souffle of a Tee Vee personality would collapse in an actual political campaign? Dobbs imagines his supporters number in the millions, but in truth, he'd be lucky to out-poll Rethug Duncan Hunter, or crazy Dem Mike Gravel.