Friday, January 4, 2008

Obamarama Time

An impressive win for Senator Obama in Iowa. No matter who you support in the Democratic Presidential field, watching Sen. Obama's speech after his victory in Iowa last night was moving. He hits all the right notes, if not for the Democratic core, then certainly with the general electorate. Several talking heads compared his message to Bobby Kennedy's. The voter turnout was a story in itself. Young Democratic and independent voters turned out in record numbers, far more than on the Rethuglican side. This bodes ill in the future for Rethuglicans, who count on low voter turnout / voter supression tactics to elect their candidates. On to New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina.

Meanwhile, Hucksterbee captured the nod on the Rethuglican side thanks to a large turnout of evangelical conservatives, which is sending the Rethugs' economic plutocrats and neocon warriors to the fainting couch. Many people are now observing that after decades of cynically and transparently cultivating the votes of the evangelicals, the Rethug elites have a frontrunner that doesn't belong to their country club, and doesn't seem to want to play their music. Such a shame, after all that deception.

An added bonus to Huck's win is that Willard/Flip/Mutt/Mousse Mitt Romney blew millions of his own money to come in a distant second. Now, he'll either have to disinherit one of his sons, or cut back on his cosmetics. Easy choice: see ya, son!

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