Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Very Interesting

Theories abound as to Sen. Clinton's surprising win over Sen. Obama in the New Hampshire primary. Clinton thinks it was her performance in the weekend debate that gave her the narrow victory. Others range from her emotional response to a question at a campaign appearance on Monday which spurred older female voters to rally to her side, to having the majority of independent voters decide that the closer race would be between Walnuts McCain and Willard Flip/Mousse/Mitt Romney so they voted there instead of for Obama.

The certain outcome is that it has created a more interesting race; it won't be a coronation of either Clinton or Obama. The primaries in Nevada, South Carolina, and super Tuesday are ahead, and the race is still fluid.

Meanwhile, on the Rethug side, it's Walnuts and Hucksterbee favored going into Michigan and South Carolina. Michigan will likely be Willard Flip/Mousse/Mitt's last best shot, but he'll pay what's necessary to stay alive. And Foghorn Fred, once the Rethuglican's Last Best Hope? ONE PERCENT OF THE VOTE! Hopefully, "Law and Order" has some scripts for him soon.

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