Monday, March 3, 2008

To Texas and Ohio: This Needs to End

We fervently hope that tomorrow's primaries in Texas, Ohio, Rhode Island and Vermont will deal a knockout punch to the increasingly desperate, scorched-earth campaign of Hillary Clinton. The damage already done to the Democratic Party's prospects in November by Clinton and her reptilian aides (Howard Wolfson is particularly egregious) will only be amplified if she continues to run following Tuesday's voting. The latest polls, by the way, show Obama slightly ahead in both Texas and Ohio for the first time. She would have to win both states by over 60% to catch up with Obama's lead in pledged delegates. It's time for the magical thinking that has characterized the Clinton campaign to end. It's time to come to grips with reality.

If reality doesn't immediately dawn on the Clintonistas, we can picture a group of senior Democratic Party leaders doing an "intervention" (h/t to Tokyo Bureau Chief Brian) with Clinton if Tuesday's results turn out roughly as expected. Don't be surprised if Gov. Bill Richardson, John Edwards and others take part in the "intervention," or at least endorse Obama.

Meanwhile, the latest newspaper to endorse Sen. Obama, the Dallas Morning News, said yesterday, "In sharp contrast to Mrs. Clinton's antics mocking his optimism, Mr. Obama has shown that it is possible to have both hope and intellectual heft." That sums it up for us, too.

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