Wednesday, April 9, 2008


In yesterday's hearing, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Biden asked Ambassador Ryan Crocker if al Qaeda in Iraq or al Qaeda on the Afghanistan/Pakistan border was more of a threat. Crocker's response? al Qaeda in Afghanistan/Pakistan. Even Ohio Rethug Senator Voinovich noted that al Qaeda must be celebrating that they are helping to bankrupt the U.S., as Dumbya foolishly pursues the endless occupation of a country that wasn't an al Qaeda stronghold to begin with.

So, since we were attacked by al Qaeda operating out of Afghanistan on 9/11, and not by anyone operating out of Iraq, why hasn't the Afghanistan/Pakistan region been our major front in the war in these past 5 years? In fact, al Qaeda forces were only in Iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussein, drawn there in their zeal to fight Americans. Perhaps Dumbya's Freudian need to one-up his father by toppling Hussein, along with the promise of cheap oil, might be a good place to begin with the answer.

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