Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Teenie Weenie Strikes Again

Teenie Weenie Rep. Patrick McHenry (Rethug-NC), one of the Hill's most poorly closeted gay men, is in hot water with the Pentagon for a little video production he made while in Baghdad. Seems Teenie Weenie (he's around 5'4" in his pantyhose) had a video on his Congressional website that he had shot in the Green Zone where he was bragging about being bombarded by rockets, and about the effectiveness of that bombardment - a no-no since the Pentagon believes it helps terrorists with target location and damage assessment. (Hearing about this, we couldn't help but think of the Al Franken SNL skit where Al was a "correspondent" during the "shock and awe" phase of the Iraq war, complete with a large satellite dish strapped to his back - which of course served as a homing device for a smart bomb, heard just before the screen went snowy.)

You know where we're headed on this: If the little feller wants to make a real contribution to his war effort, he should just go down to the recruiting office and enlist. Added bonus for Teenie Weenie: the military has lots of men!!

(Photo: Teenie Weenie McHenry with his favorite chickenhawk)


  1. AMEN...i do love this site. i am so glad i came across it last week. you're funny too!

  2. Thanks! We like your sites' photos and commentary. Very Zen!!
