Friday, April 11, 2008

Dick Wad's Next Most Excellent Adventure

Former Sen. George "Macaca" Allen's staffer Dick "Dick Wad" Wadhams has morphed into the manager of Rethug hopeful Bob "The Shaft" Schaffer's goofy campaign for the Colorado Senate seat being vacated by Wayne Allard. Ah yes, Dick Wad, building on a record of success.

This should go well. The Shaft has a rather bizarre economic policy that supports slave labor and child prostitution in the U. S. Marianas islands. Throw in a little Jack Abramoff's scuzzy scent, and you get the picture. Go Shaft!! It's basically an application of the Rethug philosophy of survival of the fittest, and screw government regulations, that's at work here. Can you spell M-A-C-A-C-A? We know you can!

So it looks like Dick Wad has chosen another winner to cast his lot with.

(photo: Dick Wad practicing for his eventual mug shot)