Friday, April 11, 2008

Them Meskins Kids Is. . . Um. . . .Anti-Semitic!

That's the ticket! The Washington Monthly captures the anti-immigrant wingnuttery here. Don't let Latinos in to the U.S. because they might be more anti-Semitic than other Catholic immigrants. Does everyone need to pledge their allegiance to the right-wing Likud faction in Israel to be considered worthy of U.S. citizenship?

Also, Charles "Dr. Strangelove" Krauthammer thinks that the U.S. needs to provide a "nuclear umbrella" for Israel vs. Iran, despite the fact that Israel has some 200 nuclear warheads at its disposal, and seems to be a hell of a lot better at using their military resources than we are. And it's soooo likely that the Iranians would use nuclear weapons to annihilate, oh say, Jerusalem - - the third most holy site in Islam. Joe Klein, writing in Time's Swampland blog, has a sharp rebuttal. Israel is respected and feared in the region because they don't broadcast what they would do in every situation, unlike blowhards like Kraphammer.

UPDATE: Kraphammer's statement that Israel has to rely only on a land-based deterrent falls apart when one realizes that Israel has submarine launched cruise missiles that carry nuclear warheads.

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