Friday, May 30, 2008
C'mon, Time To Move On
Eleanor Clift has an interesting article in the latest Newsweek on the growing rumblings of Sen. Clinton's supporters that "sexism" derailed her candidacy (notably the despicable Geraldine Ferraro). It's well worth reading in total. In it, Clift writes,
"Blaming gender bias may help some women vent about an outcome they didn't want, but there are more mundane reasons for what looks like a failed nomination fight. . .the sense of grievance that permeates the Clinton campaign is out of proportion to reality."
In fact, it appears that age and income factors may have played more of a role, with younger more affluent women (and men) preferring Sen. Obama. Also, the Clinton campaign itself failed to organize in the states after Super Tuesday, and spent themselves into a ditch while their fundraising lagged. Bill Clinton's clumsy campaigning often backfired, too.
Her angry supporters who are thinking about voting for McSame or sitting home in November should reflect on at least 4 more years of the domestic and international mess we're in, and a Supreme Court that would be overwhelmingly right-wing for a generation.