Thursday, May 29, 2008

Our Broken Media, Cont'd.

Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan's new book has caused a small firestorm over his allegations that Dumbya and Co. created bogus rationales for going to war in Iraq, and encouraged perjury over the leak of CIA operative Valerie Plames's name in revenge for her husband's exposure of Bushie lies about Iraq seeking uranium cake in Niger.

Now CNN reporter Jessica Yellin confirms McClellan's opinion that the White House press corps was complicit in the selling of the war to the public. CNN executives killed negative stories about the White House, and were intimidated by public opinion polls after 9-11 showing Dumbya riding high. Her bosses told her to go after positive stories that supported the Assministration's policy toward Iraq.

Most of the mainstream media is in a "who, me?" mode today, after McClellan's charge that:

"The collapse of the administrations's rationale for war. . .should never have come as a surprise. In this case the 'liberal media' didn't live up to its reputation. If it had, the country would have been better served."

Don't expect the media to linger on the charge that they didn't do their jobs. It's clear that most of them don't even know what their jobs are.

Update: As we expected, the Rethug chorus has now received its sheet music and is wailing away in unison. Once again, shocking!

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