Thursday, May 22, 2008

Cuckoo for Clinton

WaPo syndicated columnist Marie "Cuckoo for Clinton" Cocco has an op-ed today, "The 'Not Clinton' Excuse." Cocco argues that "no woman on the political horizon possesses the portfolio that Clinton brought to this campaign." Yes, Marie, all other women are ants compared to the towering, sniper-avoiding, race insinuating, McBush-honoring, Rove-imitating, gas tax pandering heroine of her piece. This is not the first time the Clintonistas have fallen back on the sexism excuse for the results produced by their candidate's miserably conceived and managed campaign of arrogant inevitability. Cocco, who is so completely in the tank for HRC that she needs nothing but Clinton Kool-Aid in her breathing apparatus (see Cocco, above left, in her deep analysis gear), asks at the end, "Is it something about Hillary, or something about us?" (i.e., that is holding her back from her well-deserved destiny as the First Woman American President). Answer: It's Hillary.

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