Friday, May 23, 2008

McSame's Minister Problem, Again

Straight-talkin' Sen. John McSame has decided to dump Pastor John "Hater" Hagee's endorsement, which he now "rejects." Hagee, who has called the Catholic Church a "whore" and said that Hurricane Katrina was a result of God's wrath against sinful New Orleans, was caught on tape making some, uh, "controversial" statements about the Holocaust. As in, Hitler was God's instrument ("hunter" in Hagee's term) in driving the Jews out of Europe to Israel. Your brown shirt is showing, Pastor.

We're awaiting a reaction from Sen. Joe Lieberliar (Likud-CT), who has embraced Hagee's "support" for Israel in the past - - or more precisely, support for a Middle East Armageddon, after which the Jews will either convert to Christianity or be burned in hell. Joe must have missed that last part.

(photo: Hagee: "So you're dumping me, McSame?" McSame: "Just turn the other cheek")

UPDATE: That was fast. McSame has rejected the endorsement of another nutbag minister, Rod Parsley, whom he had earlier called a "moral compass" and "spiritual guide." And we thought Lieberliar had checked McSame's bearings a couple of weeks ago.

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