Thursday, July 31, 2008

"Presumptuous" And All That Crapper

The concerted effort by the graduates of the Karl Rove Camp for Rethug Politics, now working for Mavericky McBush, to paint Obama as an elitist, "celebrity," presumptuous (read: "uppity") pretender is well underway. Will it be eaten up by the voting public? Sadly, No! seems to think so. Given the eagerness of the "moran" media to aid and abet Mavericky McBush and his Rovian accolytes in this effort, we're too starting to think, sadly, yes.

(h/t's to Sadly, No! and Rising Hegemon)

(Photo: ABC's Jake "Crapper" Tapper, looks "uppity" his ass to discover he has no soul)

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