Monday, August 4, 2008

Hah! and Heh

Sen. Obama unveiled a detailed energy plan today in Michigan. (Go Blue!) If you're not inclined to read it all, The Carpetbagger Report has a red meat excerpt that, hopefully, is the start of an offensive against the issue-free zone that is the McBush campaign (another example, if one is needed: the McBushies have taken to handing out tire pressure gauges at Obama rallies - get it? That's supposed to be the Obama energy policy, making sure your tires are fully inflated! Heh!)

Well, if we're going the puerile route, might we suggest a hand-out for McBush rallies? A check from U.S. Taxpayer made out to Big Oil in the amount of $4 billion for tax breaks, signed John McCain. That's his energy policy!

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