Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The "Smear Gap"

Newsweek's Jonathan Alter has a rundown of the McSame smear campaign, and how the phony claims made in McSame's dishonest campaign ads and their smears on Sen. Obama's character and patriotism are starting to add up. Not the "respectful" campaign McSame talked about conducting a couple of months ago. Desperation and being behind in the polls does that, along with hiring proteges of Turdblossom Rove (Steve "Herr" Schmidt) to run your campaign.

Alter makes the point that mainstream media won't point out that McSame is running a much dirtier campaign than Obama because they live in absolute fear of being accused of "bias." So with every 10 misrepresentations (and smears) that McSame is caught on, the media finds one misrepresentation from Obama and says both campaigns are "going negative." That's the game they're playing.

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