Friday, August 15, 2008

The Smear Machine

Extreme right-wing crackpot Jerome "Not So Swift Boat" Corsi has hit the bookstands with his noxious, evil screed "Obama Nation." Mary Matalin's group in Simon & Schuster published it to their everlasting discredit, and it catapulted to the top of the NYT bestseller list, albeit with a "dagger" indicating the sales were essentially bulk orders from wingnut organizations intent on distributing it (we'll take a copy - for the outhouse). The WaPo editorializes that it's "rife with inaccuracies and innuendo." Eugene Robinson calls it what it is: "a volume of vitriol." We'd be less polite: it's vile shit.

Needless to say, the wingnut world is flogging it to death (Obergruppenfuhrer Sean Hannity has had the turd on both his radio and teevee shows, for example). We wonder if these fellow travelers know Corsi has called Pope John Paul II "senile" and said pedophilia is "OK with the Pope as long as it isn't reported by the liberal press."

Republicans and independents, take note. This is who and what the Republican Party is made up of these days.

(Photo: Not So Swift Boat Corsi, wingnut hero and scourge of Obama and the Pope.)

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