Friday, August 15, 2008

Look Who's Being Presumptuous

Sen. John McSame has announced that he's "sending" Sens. Joe Lieberloser (Likud-CT) and Lindsey "Cracker" Graham (Rethug-SC) to Georgia on a "fact-finding mission." It appears that McSame thinks he has his own State Department and foreign policy. He apparently, at least until recently, spoke to Georgian President Saakashvili daily (OK, McSame's policy advisor, lobbyist for Georgia Randy Scheunemann was probably paid by Georgia to put the calls through). How about one disastrous Preznit at a time?

After weeks of mindless Beltway pundits wondering if Sen. Obama was being "presumptuous" during his trip to the Middle East and Europe, the question is would Sen. Obama be getting the same pass from the mainstream media as McSame is if he had dispatched his lieutenants to Georgia in the middle of tense negotiations? Of course not. He'd be labeled as "presumptuous" and probably worse.

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