Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Central Front

For years, the Bush Assministration and St. John McBombbombbomb have declared Iraq to be the central front of the war on terror, despite the fact that al Qaeda in Iraq never represented more than 10 percent of the insurgency, according to the U.S. military. While we were distracted by Dumbya's Iraqi misadventure, al Qaeda and its allies have been building up their forces in the northwestern frontier of Pakistan and in Afghanistan, where today the Taliban allies of al Qaeda control much of the country and threaten the Karzai government. Here's a link to one of our posts in February 2007 about the rise of al Qaeda.

Today's bombing of the Islamabad Marriott hotel is a stark reminder that the "central front" was always where al Qaeda's command structure lived - - in those same mountains straddling the Afghan/Pakistan frontier. The years wasted in Dumbya's settling of Bush family scores with Saddam Hussein, and his Assministration's deceptions leading up to the Iraq war, represent a huge betrayal in the fight against the 9/11 attackers. We've lost precious time and resources, and we're getting to the point of no return in that fight.

(photo: Agence France Presse)

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