Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Obama Rises in the Polls

A new Washington Post/ABC News poll shows Sen. Obama with a 52 to 43 point lead among likely voters over Sen. Maverick McSame. Voter concerns over the economic crisis is clearly moving some formerly undecideds over to Obama, as McSame is seen as flailing around in his response. McSame's conversion to a market regulator came only 10 days ago, with the collapse of Lehmann Brothers, AIG, and the stock market. Prior to that, he supported every piece of deregulation legislation that came up for a vote in the Senate. Now, the public's beginning to notice, and to assign responsibility. May this expand to a 15 point lead from which McSame won't recover.


  1. hey! i keep reading your blog and enjoy it very much. thanks!

  2. Hi Suzette, glad you're enjoying our rants!
