Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Real "PUMAs"

Luckily, we haven't been holding our breath for the "mainsteam media" to notice that Ron Paul has a bunch of "PUMAs" (Party Unity My Ass) over at the Target Center in Minneapolis... 10,000 of them (at least that's how many tickets were sold). By our unofficial calculation, that's 9,942 more than the so-called disaffected Hillary PUMAs that the media kept chasing around Denver for interviews. (We think those PUMAs were mostly part of Rush Limpballs' "Operation Chaos" anyway.) To cover the Ron Paul group of disaffected right-wingers/ libertarians would violate the media's meme: look how divided the Democrats are!

These folks could be critical in states like Georgia (Bob Barr's territory) and in "battleground" states like Colorado and even Montana. But, trust our brain-dead media to ignore what might undercut their hero, St. John McBungle.

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