Wednesday, October 22, 2008

"The 'Socialist' Scare"

Ruth Marcus has an op/ed in today's WaPo, "The 'Socialist' Scare." In it, she skewers McSleazy's campaign tactics of trying to paint Obama as un-American:

"There is an ugliness to the McCain campaign's closing days...And McCain is the stoker in chief of the argument that Obama is Eugene V. Debs revisited."

And, just to illustrate the point of the type of person McSleazy is aiming his message at, Marcus quotes a Thomas Jacoby, "a 62-year-old contractor" from Woodbridge, VA:

"I make over $250,000 a year, between my wife and I...I don't want to share it with anybody."

Jacoby, it seems, was responding to McSleazy's claim that essentially Obama's tax relief for those making under $250,000 a year is "spreading the wealth." That's been McSleazy's trope since he started using the "Joe the Plumber" inanity. Well, someone should tell Jacoby ("Jack the Ass"?) that if everyone had his 'tude, there would be no military, no highway system, no Social Security, no Medicare/Medicaid, because those are some of the things you get when you "share" with your fellow countrymen. As Ruth Marcus quotes Oliver Wendell Holmes: "Taxes are the price of a civilized society."

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