Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Truly Lame Duck

Last Friday's disastrous appearance by mega-wingnut Rep. Michelle "I See Anti-Americans" Bachmann on "Hardball" has had the effect of altering what was once a sure thing for her re-election into a toss-up. Her rant included an invitation to the media to investigate Congress and identify "anti-Americans" there. She also said that Sen. Obama had "anti-American" views, which she later lied about, saying her comments were "misconstrued." Uh huh. We can safely assume that anyone who disagrees with this lunatic is "anti-American."

Her diminishing chances seem to be the result of her Minnesota constituents seeing her loony beliefs put in words, and then her lying about what she said -- despite the comments being on video tape. It's even too much for the National Rethuglican Congressional Committee, which yesterday pulled its financial support. Meanwhile, her Democratic opponent, with the improbable but highly Minnesotan name of Elwyn Tinklenberg, has received over $1 million in donations in the past 5 days, and is looking to upset the mega-wingnut on November 4. We can only say to Elwyn, "Go get her, you anti-American!"

(photo: She won't be smiling for long)

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