Friday, November 28, 2008

Class Warfare

Last year, Austan Goolsbee, economics professor at the University of Chicago and newly-appointed Obama economic counselor, noted that the economic policies of the Rethuglicans were putting America on a course of extreme income disparity between the very wealthy and the rest of us. Under Dumbya, Goolsbee noted that productivity gains have not translated into wage increases for most Americans, saying

"The top income levels have blown off the chart, but that's not the issue. The bottom 95 to 98 percent of income has been stagnant for the last 6 years. . .that is extremely disturbing."

The far right fought mightily during the past election to elect someone who would preserve this pattern of feeding the rich/starving the middle class. They tried to turn the issue around with a dishonest "redistribute the wealth" attack, trying to fool middle class voters into thinking that Obama was coming after them, as opposed to the wealthiest five percent. There has been economic "class warfare" (as the Rethugs like to call it) in the U.S., but it's been waged by right wing Rethugs against the middle class for the benefit of the wealthiest Americans.

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