Friday, November 28, 2008

Have A Seat On The SOFA, Wingnuts

The Iraqi Congress has approved the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) that requires U.S. troops to be out of Iraq by the end of 2011. Among other provisions, the SOFA places limits of our military activity, and makes most foreign-based "security" forces (e.g., Blackwater) subject to prosecution.

Recall that last summer and before, the wingnut fib machine was loudly proclaiming that setting timetables for withdrawal would "embolden the enemy" and be like waving a white flag of surrender. Then, the Bushit Assministration announced that they were in negotiations with the Iraqi government to withdraw, and pulled the rug out from under the wingnut squawkers. After that, you heard virtually nothing about "timetables" from them. So, when it became impossible to use withdrawal timetables from Iraq as a phony "patriotism" issue against Dems, the wingnuts dropped it like an elephant turd. Yes, they're all about "country first."

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