Thursday, December 4, 2008

All Hat, No Cattle

The White House confirmed that Preznit Dumbya will be moving into a new house in an exclusive suburb of Dallas after leaving the White House. You'll recall that Dumbya built the "ranch" at Crawford, TX while running for President in 2000. The Connecticut-born, Yale educated (?) Dumbya could then run around in his cowboy hat and pickup truck pretending to be a real "Texan." The place was used as a prop during his presidency to establish his country image, but some of the Crawford locals weren't fooled, including Leon Smith, editor of Crawford's Lone Star Iconoclast newspaper:

"For most of his term, Bush ignored the citizens of Crawford anyway. . .now, for many, he's perceived as a big negative, so his departure would hardly be noticed. . .he's kind of like a tiny drop in the bucket."