If Dumbya wouldn't feel the need to pop up on TV doing his "legacy tour," we wouldn't feel the need to whack him. Here he is being interviewed on ABC by Martha Raddatz about Iraq:
Dumbya: . . .One of the major theaters against al Qaeda turns out to have been Iraq. This is where al Qaeda said they were going to take their stand. This is where al Qaeda was hoping to take. . .
Raddatz: But not until after the U.S. invaded.
Dumbya: Yeah, that's right. So what?
There you have in simple terms the arrogance, stupidity, and recklessness that characterized Dumbya's misadventure in Iraq. As the rationales for invading -- WMD, Saddam-al Qaeda connection, spreading freedom, etc. -- fell by the wayside one by one, Dumbya would trot out a new one. Saddam Hussein never would have tolerated another power such as al Qaeda within the borders of Iraq; instead, after we invaded Iraq, al Qaeda used it as a recruiting poster in the Muslim world. Recent National Intelligence Estimates have said that al Qaeda is stronger now.
So this is what Dumbya's true legacy is all about, but he lacks the courage and honesty to face it.
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