The unanimous Rethug vote against the economic recovery package has spawned a spate (!) of articles reflecting on their clueless ignorance about how the debate has shifted away from where it was 30 years ago. House Minority Leader John "Man Tan" Boehner underscored their lack of engagement by cajoling fellow Rethugs to vote against the House bill even before Obama came to meet with them on Tuesday.
Why are the Rethugs, led by Man Tan, irrelevant to the economic recovery debate? Check out these pieces: BarbinMD writes in the Daily Kos; Gene Robinson in the WaPo; and Michael Hirsch in Newsweek.
The common thread? Hirsch best sums it up by saying the Rethugs are only concerned about being true to their ancient bromides: cut taxes, cut government, every man for himself! As Hirsch says, Rethugs are "rooting around in their closets for their Barry [Goldwater] pins."
(Photo: Man of the people "Man Tan" Boehner hooks it far right)
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