Monday, February 23, 2009

I Have Found The Enemy, And It Was Me!

In another segment just released from wingnut John Zeigler's schlock-u-mentary about how "the media" targeted Gov. Winky You Betcha, the Gov. claims the media was on a "search and destroy mission" to sink her candidacy. Well, that would explain Winky's failure to know what newspapers she reads, that trotting around with a $180,000 wardrobe wasn't cool, that she lied about saying "thanks, but no thanks" to the Bridge to Nowhere, and that she had no clue what the Bush Doctrine was, after being secluded from the press and briefed on issues for two weeks after the Rethug convention. Of course, during that time, the media gushed about her convention speech and her "personal story."

In truth, Winky wasn't so much the victim of a "search and destroy mission" against her as she was the leader of it.

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