Monday, March 16, 2009

Cat Fight of the Week

For about a week now, those dizzy dames of the far right, (M)Ann Coulter and Laura "Bat Shit" Ingraham, have been in a full-blown cat fight with Meghan McCain, daughter of you-know-who. To catch us up, here are some quotes via today's WaPo:

McCain on Coulter: "I find her offensive, radical, insulting and confusing all at the same time" (from Monday's Daily Beast).

Ingraham on McCain: Do you think that anyone would be talking to you if you weren't kind of cute and you weren't the daughter of John McCain?" Bat Shit then goes on to mock McCain's supposed "plus-size."

McCain on both: "At this point, I have more respect for Ann Coulter than I do for Laura Ingraham, because at least Coulter didn't come back at me with heartless, substance-less attacks about my weight" (from Saturday's Daily Beast).

It occurs to us that Meghan McCain is exhibiting more, um, balls in standing up to the bizzaros on the far right than the Tin Man (see below). Meghan for RNC Chairman?

(Photo: (M)Ann Coulter: offensive, radical, insulting and confusing, oh, and SCARY!)

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