Monday, March 30, 2009

Kurtz on The Fox (Abomi)Nation

WaPo's Howie "Get That Job?" Kurtz has an uncritical look at Fux's latest attempt to be relevant: "Fox Nation," its "opinionated" new web site. Opinionated? Tell us more, Howie... we're waiting... still waiting...

Well, wait all you want, but Howie (aka "Mr. Sherri Annis," Rethug strategist) doesn't want to cast any aspersions on the new web site's predictable wingnut cast (Manatee, Beck, O'Really?, Rove, etc.) and how it squares with the web site's slogan: "It's Time to Say NO to Biased Media and Say YES to Fair Play and Free Speech." Hahahahahahaha. Oh, now we get it: it's going to be a comedy web site!

Howie also wants us to know how successful Fux has been since it went anti-Obama 24/7 (it wasn't that way already??). Howie, whose columns should always be accompanied by the warning, "Reprinted by permission of the Republican National Committee, Tin Man Steele, Chairman Y'all," would be dropping all sorts of adjectives/ "pejoratives" ("far-left", "ultra liberal", etc.) if, say, MSNBC were launching a new venture. What we may never know for sure is whether Howie is performing thusly out of conviction, or whether he's afraid his wife won't grant him quarterly sex if he doesn't toe the party line.

(Photo: Howie, whose world remains upside down since the November election)

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