Monday, March 9, 2009

Worth Noting

1. Frank Schaeffer takes the Rethuglicans to the woodshed and whips them good for their obstructionism and blind partisanship in a stinging Huffington Post article. Schaeffer, a former Rethug himself, was part of the religious right movement, which his evangelical parents helped to create, until he saw the damage it was doing to the country. He spares no words in describing the Rethug political establishment as treasonous and corrupt:

"You Republicans were the arsonists who burned down our national home. . .you do nothing constructive, just try to hinder the one person willing and able to fix the mess you created."
A good read on a Monday morning.

2. David Frum, a conservative former speechwriter for Dumbya, levels a barrage in Newsweek against the current Rethuglican Dear Leader, Pills Limpballs. Frum believes that the far right direction the current Rethuglican Party is heading in will result in the Party's marginalization. We can only hope.

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