Just when you thought the Rethugs were just a bunch of angry, reactionary, nasty, lying, sad sacks of bile, they show they have a sense of humor!
April Fools Day gag #1: The GOP Fudgeit! Gut Medicare and provide a multi-trillion dollar windfall to the wealthiest Americans! Yeah, that's the ticket! Hee-hee!
April Fools Day gag #2: Rethugs win in NY-20! (Except that, Democrat Murphy is leading Rethug Tedisco with absentee ballots yet to be counted.) Maybe the Rethugs can arrange another Brooks Brothers riot (we hear a lot of hedge fund managers are looking for work) to assure "all the [Rethuglican] votes are counted!" Yuk-yuk!
April Fools Day gag #3: "Joe" (not his real name) "the plumber" (he's not a plumber either) talks EFCA! The brain and chief ideas man for the Rethugs, the aforementioned "Joe," ran into some problems trying to 'splain the Employee Free Choice Act, and gets heckled by some real working class people. Faux Joe the Rethug Schmo!
(Image: Rethug minority leader and chief jokester Boehner -- what a clown!)
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