Friday, May 8, 2009

Advice From Dead Eye Worth Heeding

Former (Vice) President Dead Eye Dick Cheney has offered some advice to the Rethuglican Party: don't go moderate. We strongly urge the Rethuglican Party to follow Dead Eye's sage advice, because if you do adopt more moderate positions, you might actually win some elections outside of the reddest states. We don't want to see that.

One particularly ironic nugget from Dead Eye's musings on Rethug "beliefs and values" was on the "role of government in our society and our commitment to the constitution and constitutional principles." Ah, yes. The role of government, like warrantless wiretapping and politicizing the Justice Department? Like gutting financial and environmental regulations and inserting itself in the Terry Schiavo case? And "commitment to the constitution?" The Constitution that Dead Eye tried to undermine as a "fourth branch" of government, from an "undisclosed location"?

At this point, even a number of Rethuglicans would rather not be reminded of Dead Eye and his follies. But to the extent that he reminds America of what went wrong, we say "keep talking, Dead Eye!"

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