Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Crook Leading Wingnut Swift Boating of Health Reform

You may have heard the radio ad from a Rick Scott, who heads an outfit called Conservatives for Patient Rights. Basically, they're touting private health savings accounts as the best approach to the health care crisis. Well, it seems Mr. Scott has a rather unfortunate background, as Firedoglake reports. As in, a former hospital company of Mr. Scott's had to pay $1.7 billion in a fraud settlement a while back. He also now owns a chain of storefront "clinics" that would, needless to say, be impacted by health care reform. He's also represented by the same p.r. firm that did the Swift boating on Senator Kerry. Did we forget anything? Oh yes, he has a connection with the Fox Nutwork.

Fraud, conflict of interest, sleaze, and lies. The perfect wingnut storm!

(Photo: Slimeball Rick Scott)

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