Fux News Gauleiter Sean Hannity can't seem to stop distorting everything the Obama Administration does, especially when it's done by the President. There used to be an unwritten rule that while a President was overseas, criticism was held until he returned. Not so with Gauleiter Hannity. He deliberately cropped a quote from the President's speech in Cairo to make it seem as though Obama wanted to give "equal time" to the 9/11 terrorists. Media Matters has the video.
It's one thing to disagree with someone's comments after giving their full context -- which the Rethug right refuses to do (see Judge Sotomayor) -- but it's nothing but a lie to crop speeches or statements to create the impression that the speaker was saying something that he/she wasn't saying at all. Gauleiter Hannity has apparently learned much from the Third Reich's approach to "information."
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