Southeast Missouri State dropout (after two semesters) Pig-man "Pills" Limbaugh has done some Orwellian spinning in the past, but his attempt to paint Holocaust Museum shooter James von Brunn as a leftist out-Orwells Orwell. Sadly, the Pig-man is not alone on the far right in trying to cast this latest example of right-wing extremism as something other than what it was; as right/left neutral -- or worse, as Leader Limpballs would have it, the work of a lefty.
Living in an alternate reality is one thing; mangling and distorting history is another. You can have your inane opinions, but there's only one set of facts. The facts scream that von Brunn was a man of the lunatic, far right. He's all yours, boys...
Arrrgh!! Serenity now!!