As TPM recaps, the "mainstream media" and certain "political" blogs just ate up the Sanford cover stories like pigs eating slop. Notably credulous, due to their being wired for Rethugs, were WaPo's Chris "I Like to Make Lists" Cillizza and Will "Alfalfa Bad" Haygood and Politico's lunk-headed Jonathan Martin and Ben "Dover" Smith. Martin, by the way, was the auteur of a recent "analysis" seeing signs (hoping?) that the Rethugs were on the upswing, contrary to all polling done in the galaxy the past six months.
Were any of these "professional" phone gossips and Rethug talking point scribes doing any investigatin' about Sanford's changing tales? Why should they, since they know Rethugs can always be trusted to tell the truth, not to mention write their next story for them!
(Photo: A Rethug note-taker at WaPo or Politico?)
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