Monday, July 6, 2009

Ass of the Week

Yes, we have another racist Rethug "Ass of the Week" to give you. This dubious distinction is given to Rethugs who expose themselves as common racist thugs. It's a career in itself, in other words.

Courtesy of The Daily Beast, this week's winner (so far!) is Audra Shay, lead candidate for "Young" Republicans (Shay's 38, which does qualify her as young in the Rethug base demographic). Shay, whose candidacy is supported by her homestate's Gov. Bobby "Kenneth" Jindal, commented favorably on a Facebook "friend's" remark about the "...need to take this country back from all these mad coons and illegals." When a few other "friends" commented negatively about the racist remark, Shay de-friended them, not the racist who made the "coon" comment! Good ol' Rethug values, y'all!

(Photo: "Young" - heh heh - Rethug Audra Shay)