Sunday, July 5, 2009

Quote of the Week - Hypocrisy Division

"You can. Just go work for the federal government." -- Iowa Rethug Sen. Charles "My Assley Is" Grassley, responding last Tuesday to a constituent's question about health insurance at a town hall meeting in Waukon, IA. The constituent had asked Assley "...[H]ow come I can't have the same thing you have?" Assley is opposed to a "public option" in health care insurance that, in essence, is what Assley has as a U.S. Senator. It's the old Rethug philosophy of I've got mine, you get yours, with a little extra noblesse thrown in. So, Assley is not just a hypocrite, he's a smug hypocrite.

(Photo: Sen. Grassley, Man of the People)

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