Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Wonderful World of Winky

Todd Purdum has a lengthy, hard-hitting article on Alaska Gov. Winky You Betcha in the latest issue of Vanity Fair, which is reproduced on their website. It's a great read, full of very revealing inside views and opinions by McSame's campaign officials on Winky and her obvious limitations. Some of McSame's advisors were convinced by mid-October that Winky was not prepared for the office of Vice President, let alone prepared to assume the highest office. McSame's choice of her was seen by many of them as reckless and ill-advised, as she petulantly refused to take advice and coaching for her media interviews, and played the prima donna to McSame's disadvantage as her wingnut fans cheered. Purdum writes,

"One longtime McCain friend and frequent companion on the trail was heard to refer to Palin as 'Little Shop of Horrors.'"
Toward the end, when it appeared that Obama's victory was near, Winky was more interested in getting a head start on the next Presidential campaign than in being McSame's running mate. As one Rethuglican political critic in Alaska put it, there's a reason her nickname was "barracuda" in high school.

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