Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Minnesota Supreme Court: Certify Franken!

The Minnesota Supreme Court has issued its ruling: Franken won. While not "ordering" Gov. Tim "Bridge Collapse" Pawlenty to issue the certificate of election, its 5-0 ruling states that Franken is "entitled" to the certification and that it should occur forthwith. What's not known: will "Bridge Collapse" go through with his pledge to be guided by the Supreme Court decision and sign an election certificate, and will Norm "Sore Loser" Coleman decide to appeal in Federal court and thereby continue to defer his inevitable loss and the seating of Minnesota's second senator?

Late this afternoon, Norm "Sore Loser" Coleman CONCEDED (after 7 months!), no doubt to the consternation of Bill O'Liely and Sen. John "All Hat, No Cattle" Cornyn.

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