Friday, October 23, 2009

Quote of the Day

"Factions should compete, but they should also recognize the legitimacy of other factions and, indeed, their necessity for a vigorous self-regulating democracy. Seeking to deliberately undermine, delegitimatize and destroy is not Madisonian. It is Nixonian." -- Obama Derangement Syndrome sufferer and Fox "News" regular Charles "Kraphammer" Krauthammer in today's WaPo, on the "war" that's been declared on Fux "News" by the Obama administration. The irony here, that clueless Kraphammer presumably misses, is this is precisely what he and Fux "News" have been doing since day one of the Obama term - undermining, delegitimatizing, and destroying (or trying to in their own crackpot way) the Obama presidency. When the administration simply points out the truth that Fux is not a news organization, the wingnut wurlitzer (with a few Villagers like ABC's Jake "Tippy" Tapper) goes into overdrive. And Nixonian? Coming from a Rethug like Kraphammer, is that a complement? Or is it simply the talking point put out by Grover Norquist that seems to be in heavy rotation in wingnuttia the past 36 hours?

And, in related news, as Wonkette reports, Politico's Asshat Mike Allen pumps a Roger Ailes run for Preznit (as a Republican, of course). Hee hee. What planet does this guy live on? No Fox bias there!

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