Friday, October 23, 2009

Send Frank Gaffney to Afghanistan -- In Uniform

Far right-wing chickenhawk Frank "Gas" Gaffney was on Tweety's Hardball show yesterday, and at the end of his extreme fulminations about Afghanistan attacked guest Ron Reagan, who was pointing out the dire situation there, thanks to the previous gang. Gas was fresh from giving felon Irving "Scooter" Libby and The Dick awards for being fellow right wingers at his "Center for Security Policy", which is sponsored by the Scaife Foundation and other far right sources of wingnut welfare. Things heated up when Gas said to Reagan, "your father would be ashamed of you," and Reagan replied, "you better watch your mouth about that."

Gas is one of those neocons who chose not to wear the uniform of their country, but who fancy themselves "tough" military experts unafraid of sending other Americans to their deaths. On an earlier appearance on Hardball, Gas was discussing American troop deaths in Iraq:
"It is regrettable that they had to die, but I believe they did have to die. . . .I'm still delighted that we did what we did."

Since Gas seems to think that Ron Jr.'s opposition to further troop increases in Afghanistan would make Ron Sr. "ashamed," we'd like to see Gas put his ass where his gas is and sign up for front line duty in Afghanistan. That way, Ron Sr. wouldn't be ashamed of him either for sitting another war out on the sidelines.

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