Monday, October 26, 2009

Slurp of the Week

As we've noted, Conventional Wisdom guided missile "Dude" Chris Cillizza loves lists. He's got one in the Kaplan Daily every Monday! Today he's got the 10 most influential GOP pols! And Number 1 is (no, not that Number 1!): Winky You Betcha!! Yes, the same Winky that only gets about 20% in polling of Rethugs' favorite for 2012! The same Winky whose unfavorable numbers are at an all-time high! That won't stop the Dude from slurping Winky!

Notice how fluid the Conventional Wisdom is in the world of Dude Cillizza, comparing last June's list to today's: Dick "The Dick" Cheney is out, as is Perfesser Poot Gingrich; Blowdry Bob McDonnell dropped from #4 to #10; Winky You Betcha wasn't even in the top 5! That Conventional Wisdom is hard to keep up with, even for a Beltway Kool Kid like the Dude.

(Photo: The Dude: "Sluuuurrrrrrppppp!")

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