Monday, December 21, 2009

A 60th Vote and the Senate Bill Moves

The process of countering endless lies about health care reform from Rethuglicans, of compromising with political sharks like Joe Lieberliar, and of trying to get just half a loaf of reform out of the process has been painful to watch. The vote late last night/early this morning to impose cloture will allow the bill to come to the Senate floor for a vote, probably Christmas Eve. The Administration is promoting the fact that the Senate legislation would mandate affordable coverage of 30-plus million Americans and eliminate insurance industry gamesmanship on pre-existing conditions and denying benefits simply to maximize their profits. We'll see, as the Senate and House bills go to conference committee to be "merged."

The 60th vote that broke the Rethug threat of filibuster came from none other than conservative Nebraska Democrat Sen. Ben "Ben Dover" Nelson, who extorted some budget goodies for Nebraska and added some slippery language on abortion coverage to win his vote. Profile in statesmanship there, Ben Dover.