Saturday, January 16, 2010

What's Going On In Massachusetts?

Andrew Sullivan provides an on-the-ground observer's take on the Coakley/Brown race for Senate. For me, from afar, the top 3 reasons its a race at all are:

1) Coakley ran a lazy, smug, over-confident campaign until it became clear voters weren't going to coronate her just for showing up;

2) Throw the bums out anger: Massachusetts has a Democrat-dominated government, and they can't get it done even when they control things (shades of Washington);

3) Short memories: voters don't know/ care/ remember which party got us into the economic and financial mess we're in, plus see #2 above.

(Image:; Stuart Cahill/Faith Ninivaggi)


Anonymous said...

I'm worried about the effect of having Joe Kennedy, independent/libertarian, on the ballot tomorrow. For the less informed who vote for the Kennedy name as routine, (they will see the name and overlook the party affiliation) he will siphon off votes from Coakley. His statement that he believes if he is a spoiler it will be to the advantage of Coakley is a bit too precious for me. PEC

W. Hackwhacker said...

Good point, Ms. Cake. That occurred to me, too, when I saw his name. Us non- Mass residents are keeping our fingers crossed that youse guys get Coakley across the finish line - even by 1 vote.