Friday, February 5, 2010

The Maverick Hat Doesn't Fit Anymore

After his defeat in 2008, Arizona Sen. John McNasty has become increasingly harsh and bitter toward the efforts of President Obama to reverse the economic disaster that McNasty and his fellow Rethugs handed him on inauguration day. Steve Benen writes on the Washington Monthly blog that reporters who are just coming around to notice that McNasty isn't the lovable, independent conservative truth-teller that they thought he was, have been out to lunch for a while.

Granted McNasty is facing a primary challenge from extreme right-wing clown J.D. Hayworth, and he has to steer even further to the right. But he's been decidedly "un-mavericky" for a few years now, witness his embrace (literally) of Dumbya during the 2004 Presidential campaign. The fact that he is invited regularly on Sunday TV talk shows indicates that he's still seen by some clueless media "villagers" as someone willing to "reach across the aisle," even when he's often leading the Rethuglican charge against everything proposed by the President.

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