Friday, February 26, 2010

"That's Their Problem"

Steven Perlstein writes in today's Kaplan Daily that one thing yesterday's health care reform summit accomplished was to demonstrate
"[W]hat Republican 'leaders' really think about health care and health insurance...The most important thing Republicans think is that if there are Americans who can't afford the insurance policies that private insurers are willing to offer, then that's their problem -- there's nothing the government or the rest of us should do about it."

To hear House Minority "Leader" Boner talk about how a $950 billion investment in the health of fellow Americans over a 10-year span would bankrupt the nation, as opposed to the hundreds of billions of dollars a year that former Rethug Preznit Chimpy's unnecessary war in Iraq cost this nation (not to mention the lives and terrible casualties), is to hear the squeaking sound of a moral mouse. Shame on Rethugs for saying we can't afford this. Oh, sorry - we forgot. They have no sense of shame.

What should one expect, though, from a Party and movement "long on anger, short on coherence."

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