Friday, March 12, 2010

Compare and Contrast

The Kaplan Daily has two pieces worthy of note today, one in its print edition, one online. Former NY Times executive editor Howell Raines appears in a good online piece wherein he takes mainstream journalists to task for not exposing Fux "News" as a 24/7 propaganda machine, particularly in its undisguised battle to defeat the Democrats health care reform. It's an incisive inside- the- pressroom look at why the silence. File it under "Librul Media."

By contrast, the Kaplan Daily chose to publish in its more widely-read print edition a POS (that we refuse to link to) by concern trolls, Fux News Democrats and corporate shills Patrick Caddell and Doug Schoen. Jumping into the fray at the last minute to try to frighten easily frightened Dems not to pass the health care bill, the dynamic duo pull out every point in the Boehner/ McConnell playbook, as Media Matters demonstrates. We have two questions: (1) what insurance company group or Rethug-front outfit is paying them to write this drivel, and (2) why would the Kaplan Daily chose to publish this when the article by Howell Raines has more insight on the machinations and interdependence of Big Media and the Rethug noise machine, and is therefore more relevant to what's going on today? We report, you decide.

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